25 April 2010

NICKY 's Blog

omebody believe that the segway was not designed to be used for sport. Everyone have to know about polo sport that is well-known.;however ,today both of them can be a sport that is call segway polo which is a team sport . It is similar to horse polo.It has a rule to play is each player ride segway on the field. The opposing team's player hit the ball and trying to get the ball into the other team's goal. This sport is a another choice for someone like to challenge with wonderful sport .I think segway polo is safety than horse polo because It can stable control by user ,but we don’t know when a horse will fling .Nowadays this sport is not popular ,but in the future maybe have many people play it .

Dean Kamen said ".. although technology moves very quickly, people's mindset changes very slowly. I think I agree and disagress because people have different age , different educate ,and different thinking ,so Teenage is a new generation . They can use technology easily,but old generation maybe hard for them to understand model technology. I think other inventions besides the segway that is a scooter. It's nearly segway because It 's a vehical .It use machine for working ,but It comfort than segway because scooter can sit .Some invertions that people accepted very quickly. I think mobile phone because It 's easy to work and quick to develop technology all the time . It has more function such camera , video , wifi internet that can play internet in mobile phone quickly and easily.